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Hollstrom & Associates Inc Presents the Influence of the Brain/Spine Connection in Back Pain

The brain and the spine. They are connected. They’re connected more closely than any of us appreciate as we go about our daily lives. Hollstrom & Associates Inc keeps this connection in mind as we take care of our Largo back pain sufferers’ spines and pay attention to their stories of pain and ways of coping. Largo chiropractic care at Hollstrom & Associates Inc respects the brain and spine connection and use gentle, safe chiropractic services incorporating spinal manipulation to ease pain affecting both.


Pain changes the brain. A person in pain feels it. Special tests today can reveal it. BOLD (blood oxygen level dependent) responses were examined after stimulating lumbar spinous processes with manipulation and exhibited activity in the secondary somatosensory cortex, cerebellum and other brain areas. (1) Motor cortex stimulation provokes a spinal anti-inflammatory response to reduce pain. (2) Depression, anxiety, cognitive deficits often accompany chronic constriction of the sciatic nerve because of its effect on the medial prefrontal cortex. (3) Spinal manipulation may be a way to deal with the brain changes in chronic pain and its associated issues.


Stimulating the brain even for a short time may influence the pain experience. A recent study on Euclidean distance between cortical sources and temporal dynamics of plastic changes in the somatosensory cortex of the brain had even your Largo chiropractor’s head spinning a little! What a subject! Without having to understand all these terms and measurements discussed in the study, know that the study presented that the brain, even the adult brain, is impressionable. Of course, the young developing brain is most malleable, but with the proper input, the older, adult brain can change. The researchers in this study took measurements before and after stimulation and compared their size on MRI. They saw a difference. More research should be done, but they did explain that long term experience establishes cortical organization while transient, new and different stimulation can induce cortical reorganization of the adult brain. Such changes have been seen in musicians, Braille readers, and persons after spinal manipulation and stroke rehab. (4) This knowledge of the brain contributes to the Largo chiropractic treatment plan!


Just how is the chiropractic treatment plan influenced by such information of the brain? Let’s start by looking at the brain with chronic pain. The two brain regions that encode the intensity of painful stimuli and add to the overall experience of chronic pain are the primary somatosensory cortex and posterior insular cortex. (5) The cortex of the brain was shown to be thinner in chronic low back pain patients. After treatment, the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex is thicker. To the researchers, this implied that treating chronic pain may well reestablish normal brain functions. (6) Hollstrom & Associates Inc takes care of Largo back pain patients all day long. It’s amazing to think that treatment might modify more than the pain response alone!

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Listen to this PODCAST by Dr. James Cox on The Back Doctors Podcast with Dr. Michael Johnson as he explains more plainly the brain and spine and pain connection, illustrates in more depth how the cells of the body are constantly remodeling and adjusting to their always-changing mechanical environment, and how chiropractic may help.

Schedule a non-surgical Largo chiropractic care appointment with Hollstrom & Associates Inc for your pain, brain, and spine! The connection is there between pain and the brain. Hollstrom & Associates Inc can get in the middle of those two and help you get some Largo pain relief.

Hollstrom & Associates Inc looks at the connection between the brain and spine in back pain patients to better help them find pain relief. 
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"This information and website content is not intended to diagnose, guarantee results, or recommend specific treatment or activity. It is designed to educate and inform only. Please consult your physician for a thorough examination leading to a diagnosis and well-planned treatment strategy. See more details on the DISCLAIMER page. Content is reviewed by Dr. James M. Cox I."